Blagaj is a village in the community of Mostar, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The spring of river Buna below Blagaj is the largest karst spring in Europe (spring of the river Buna). Water flows out of the 200 meters long cliff and creates the Buna River by its quantity. Tekke on the river Buna was built in the 16th century for the Dervish, and it is still today one of the most mystical places in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Blagaj Tekke is open to visitors all year round. You can have a refreshing Turkish coffee or tea in a beautiful garden overlooking the spring of the River. There are the prehistoric site Green cave (Zelena Pećina), farm and restaurants, and a castle dating from the 15th century nearby Blagaj. Many buildings in this resort have been declared national monuments of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Commission for Preservation of National Monuments in Bosnia and Herzegovina nominated Blagaj for UNESCO's list of World Heritage in Europe on November 12, 2007.
This area is also known for the diversity of its flora and a large number of endemic species. At lower altitudes there are many evergreen and deciduous plants, while the hills are sparse forest. Fertile cultivable land is suitable for a typical Mediterranean agriculture.